

新加坡亚洲研究学会 -《亚洲文化》索引 - 历史、地理、传记


8.001 陈佳荣 (Chan, Aaron K W).
“南洋”新考 (“Nanyang”: A New Interpretation). 16 (June 1992): 146-153.

8.002 陈佳荣 (Chan, Aaron K W).
郑和、王景弘与三宝垅 (Admiral Zhenghe, Wang Jinghong and emarang). 18 (June 1994): 103-113.

8.003 陈吕范 (Chen Lufan).
论泰族与南诏国的建立 (Was Nanzhao Founded by the Thais?). 11( June 1988): 123-133.

8.004 陈铁凡 (Chen Tieh-fan).
马六甲徐氏家庙文献三跋 (Three Notes on Documents Found at hee Ancestral Temple in Malacca). 16 (June 1992): 196-206.

8.005 邱新民 (Chiou Sin Min).
新加坡的老巴刹 (The Construction of the Telok Ayer Market and arly Singapore). 4 (Oct 1984): 3-10.

8.006 邱新民 (Chiou Sin Min).
新加坡的中正湖 (The Lake in the Chung Cheng High School, ingapore). 5 (Apr 1985): 48-57.

8.007 邱新民 (Chiou Sin Min).
古陆地中海及东南古陆三地采集化石报告 (A Report on the Fossils ound in the Ancient Mediterranean and Southeast Asian Regions). 6 Oct 1985): 50-57.

8.008 庄钦永 (Chng, David K Y).
马六甲华人甲必丹补遗 (Chinese Kapitans in Malacca: A upplementary Note). 7 (Apr 1986): 100-101.

8.009 庄钦永 (Chng, David K Y). 杨氏家族与协源山 (Hiap Guan Sun Cemetery Stone Tablet and the Yeo Families). 8 (Oct 1986): 24-27.

8.010 庄钦永 (Chng, David K Y).
新加坡华人甲必丹 (Chinese Kapitans in Singapore). 9 (Apr 1987): 21-25.

8.011 Chng, David K Y (庄钦永).
Kung Tian Cheng: A Biographical Sketch (孔天增略传). 9 (Apr 1987): 207-210.

8.012 庄钦永 (Chng, David K Y).
“甲政曾振耀考”补遗 (A Supplementary Note on Tseng Chen-yao, the Kapitan China in Malacca). 11 (June 1988): 115-117.

8.013 庄钦永 (Chng, David K Y).
甲必丹曾有亮墓之发现 (The Discovery of the Tomb of Kapitan China Tseng Yu-liang). 11 (June 1988): 118-119.

8.014 庄钦永 (Chng, David K Y).
新加坡华侨 Chan Lai Sun 之中文姓名考 (In Search of the Chinese Name of Chan Lai Sun). 12 (Dec 1988): 162-165.

8.015 庄钦永 (Chng, David K Y).
鸦片饷码商戴炫熿考 (Opium Farmer Tay Yen Ong: A Note). 15 (June 1991): 151-154.

8.016 Chng, David K Y (庄钦永).
Two Notes on Chinese Kapitans in Malacca (马六甲华人甲必丹新考). 16 (June 1992): 56-59.

8.017 庄钦永 (Chng, David K Y).
戴板鹗即戴河水之父质疑 (Was Tay Ban Er the Father of Tay Ho Swee?). 21 (June 1997): 237-240.

8.018 朱炎辉 (Choo Yam Wai).
郭嵩焘二三事 (Notes on Guo Song-tao). 7 (Apr 1986): 89-92.

8.019 蔡史君 (Chua Ser Koon).
日军占领新加坡初期的宣传政策 (The Initial Propaganda Policy of the Japanese Military Administration in Singapore). 9 (Apr 1987):26-41.

8.020 邓炳权 (Deng Bingquan).
广州与海上丝绸之路 (Guangzhou and Maritime Silk Routes). 18 (June 1994): 168-178.

8.021 符懋濂 (Foo Meng Liang).
捻之组织 (The Organization of the Nien Army). 2 (Oct 1983): 59-67.

8.022 日比野丈夫 (Hibino, Takeo), 潘明智译 (Phua Beng Tee tran).
马六甲华人甲必丹 ─ 关于近年新发现的资料 (Chinese Kapitans in Malacca: Some New Source Materials). 15 (June 1991): 116-120.

8.023 黄炳元 (Huang Bingyuan).
海上丝绸之路与妈祖信仰传播 (Maritime Silk Routes and the Spread of Mazu). 18 (June 1994): 188-190.

8.024 柯木林 (Kua Bak Lim).
黄遵宪领事笔下的新加坡 (Singapore in the Eyes of Huang Tsun-Hsien, the Chinese Consul-General in Singapore). 7 (Apr 1986):38-42.

8.025 黎道纲 (Laiteerapong, Pichai).
我看《郑和航海图》 ─ 谈林我铃《龙牙门新考》 (My Views on “Zheng He’s Navigational Charts”). 24 (June 2000): 198-205.

8.026 黎道纲 (Laiteerapong, Pichai).
“龙佛交辉”辩 (A Critical Review of a Dai (傣) Tribal Legend about the “Dragon and Buddha” Stone Carving). 25 (June 2001):177-181.

8.027 李元瑾 (Lee Guan Kin).
1900年康有为在新加坡的处境 (Kang You-wei in Singapore 1900). 7 (Apr 1986): 3-18.

8.028 Lee Ting Hui (李庭辉).
The Anti-Japanese War in China: Support from Chinese Schools in Malaya 1937-41 (1937年至1941年间马来亚华校对中国抗日运动的支援). 17 (June 1993): 140-148.

8.029 李业霖 (Lee Yip Lim).
叶亚来和他的时代 (Yap Ah Loy and his Times). 10 (Oct 1987): 21-25.

8.030 廖大坷 (Liao Dake).
论明代中国与东南亚各国朝贡关系的演变 (On the Development of Tributary Relationships Between Southeast Asian States and Ming China). 16 (June 1992): 154-162.

8.031 林政华 (Lin Jeng-hwa).
林献堂先生与雾峰林家邱园 (Lin Shiann-taing and Wuh-feng Lin’s Family Chamber). 2 (Oct 1983): 54-58.

8.032 骆静山 (Loh Cheng Sun).
马六甲华人甲必丹系年商榷 (Deliberations on Malacca’s Kapitan China and the Line of Succession). 4 (Oct 1984): 35-36.

8.033 卢耀华 (Loh Yew Wah).
论1854年的新加坡大暴动 (The 1854 Riot in Singapore). 6 (Oct 1985): 68-75.

8.034 卢耀华 (Loh Yew Wah).
我和《新马华人抗日史料》的因缘 (My Connection with the Compilation of The History of Malayan Chinese Resistence against Japan). 8 (Oct 1986): 42-47.

8.035 野村亨 (Nomura, Tooru).
古代日本南洋文化交流史初探 (A Preliminary Study on the History of Cultural Interaction Between Ancient Japan and Southeast Asia). 20 (June 1996): 108-114.

8.036 Sanib Said.
Brunei in the 16th Century: Another Period of Glory and Splendour (十六世纪汶莱的一段辉煌史). 12 (Dec 1988): 12-15.

8.037 Sidharta, Myra (欧阳春梅).
Tan Hong Boen: A Man With Many Faces (多才多艺的陈丰文). 17 (June 1993): 64-72.

8.038 陈鸣鸾 (Tan Beng Luan).
林义顺:种植家与革命家 (Lim Nee Soon: Planter and Revolutionary). 10 (Oct 1987): 54-63.

8.039 郑良树 (Tay Liang Soo).
马六甲华人甲必丹补义 (A Further Discussion on Kapitan China of Malacca). 3 (Apr 1984): 2-7.

8.040 王福民 (Wang Fu-min).
壬寅暮春哭·大哥卅五韵并传 (In Mourning of My Eldest Brother Wang Xin-min). 6 (Oct 1985): 100-101.

8.041 Wang Gungwu (王赓武).
The Search for Asian National Histories (亚洲民族史之探索). 25 (June 2001): 1-14.

8.042 王连茂 (Wang Lianmao).
泉州与海上丝绸之路 (Quanzhou and Maritime Silk Routes). 18 (June 1994): 179-187.

8.043 Widodo, Johnannes (陈国林).
A History of an Indonesian Costal Town: The Case of Semarang (印尼一个沿海城市的发展史:三宝垅个案研究). 21 (June 1997):77-93.

8.044 叶钟铃 (Yeap Chong Leng).
陶行知在新加坡 (Tao Xingzhi in Singapore). 5 (Apr 1985): 96-100.

8.045 叶钟铃 (Yeap Chong Leng).
杨虎城将军在新加坡 (General Yang Hu-cheng in Singapore). 6 (Oct 1985): 58-64.

8.046 叶钟铃 (Yeap Chong Leng).
1936年槟城红花节人力车竞赛风潮 (The Incident of the Rickshaw Race on Poppy Day in Penang 1936). 11 (June 1988): 120-122.

8.047 叶钟铃 (Yeap Chong Leng).
黄遵宪与图南社 (Huang Tsun Hsien and Tunanshe, a Literary Society). 15 (June 1991): 121-141.

8.048 叶钟铃 (Yeap Chong Leng).
五四时期马华报人吴天囚 (Journalist Wu Tianqiu during the May Fourth Movement). 23 (June 1999): 136-147.

8.049 姚梦桐 (Yeo Meng Thong).
何香凝在新加坡 (Madam He Xiangning in Singapore). 16 (June 1992): 163-168.

8.050 Yong, C F (杨进发).
The British Colonial Rule and the Chinese Press in Singapore 1900-1941 (英殖民地统治与新加坡华文报章1900-1941). 15 (June 1991):30-37.

8.051 俞辛焞 (Yu Xin-tun).
孙中山与日本 (Sun Yat-sen and Japan). 7 (Apr 1986): 76-88.

8.052 张克宏 (Zhang Kehong).
论康有为与勤王运动的关系 (On the Relationships Between Kang Youwei and the Royalist Movement). 22 (June 1998): 138-156.

8.053 朱杰勤 (Zhu Jieqin).
《新加坡风土记》作者李钟珏 (Li Zhongjue – Author of “A Description of Singapore in 1887″). 5 (Apr 1985): 3-9.

8.054 朱杰勤 (Zhu Jieqin).
星洲诗人邱菽园 (Khoo Seok Wan, A Prominent Poet in Singapore). 7 (Apr 1986): 19-28.

8.055 Lim How Seng (林孝胜).
Singapore Chinese society in the 19th century: Power structure and bang politics (十九世纪新华社会: 权力结构与帮权政治). 26 (June 2002): 26-52.

8.056 Yuan Bingling (袁冰凌).
Chinese women in Jakarta during the colonial period (殖民时代的雅加达华族妇女). 26 (June 2002): 53-67.

8.057 Carioti, Patrizia (白蒂).
Maritime trade, the “Sakoku Policy” and the Chinese in Nagasaki during the early Tokugawa period (德川幕府时代的海洋贸易,锁国政策与长崎华人). 26 (June 2002): 68-79.

8.058 钟宝贤 (Chung Po Yin, Stephanie).
一个”华侨家庭”的诞生-余东旋家族的三代演变 (The Eu Thong Seng clan: Three generations on). 26 (June 2002): 104-121.

8.059 安焕然, 李文辉 (Onn Huan Juan, Lee Boon Hui).
柔佛居銮潮客社群认同与潮人的开拓 (The Teochew community in Kluang, Johor). 26 (June 2002):183-201.

8.060 黎道纲 (Laiteerapong, Pichai).
单马令及十二生肖属国 (A note on Dan Ma Ling and its vassal state). 26 (June 2002): 238-244.

Wang Tai Peng (王鹏翔)
Zheng He, Wang Dayuan and Zheng Yijun: Some New Insights (郑和、汪大渊与张大钧:一些新见解) . 28 (June 2004) : 54-62.

Johannes Widodo (陈国林)
Preserving the Memory of Place: Case for Support for Palmer Road Area Conservation in Singapore (留存记忆:一个保护新加坡帕玛路区域的支持个案). 29 (June 2005) : 41-49.

Tan Ta Sen (陈达生)
Did Zheng He Set Out to Colonise Southeast Asia? (郑和殖民化东南亚质疑). 29 (June 2009) : 66-74.

Leo Suryadinata (廖建裕)
Zheng He, Semarang and the Islamization of Java : Between History and Legend (郑和、三宝垄与爪哇回教化). 29 (June 2005) : 75-85.

廖文辉 (Lew Bon Hoi)
从报章期刊杂志的出版及学会团体成立论马新史学的发展方向 (1930-2004)和历史意识的转移 (Directions of Development and Shifts in Historical Consciousness in the Historical Studies of Malaysia and Singapore (1930-2004) : Some Perspectives Based on Publication of Newspapers, Periodicals as well as Magazines and Establishment of Academic Societies). 29 (June 2005) : 113-127.

Kwa Chong Guan (柯宗元)
Rewriting Indonesian History: The Future in Indonesia’s Past (重写印尼史:未来在印尼的过去). 30 (June 2006) : 21-38.

Wang Tai Peng (王鹏翔)
1433 Zheng He’s Delegation to the Papal Court of Florence (1433年郑和佛罗伦萨教廷之行). 30 (June 2006) : 78-90.

李金生 (Lee Ching Seng)
一个南洋、各自界说:“南洋”概念的历史演变 (One Nanyang, Different Interpretations: An Historical Evolution of the Concept “Nanyang”). 30 (June 2006) : 113-123.

叶钟铃 (Yeap Chong Leng)
林惠祥与槟榔屿钟灵中学 (1939-41) (Lin Hui Siang and Chung Ling High School in Penang (1939-41)). 30 (June 2006) : 124-133.

Wang Tai Peng (王鹏翔)
Zheng He and his Envoys’ Visits to Cairo in 1414 and 1433 (郑和与他的特使团于1414年和1433年到开罗的访问). 31 (June 2007) : 46-71.

何国忠 (Hou Kok Chung)
归来的局外人:在中国的马来亚人辜鸿铭和林文庆 (Returned Outsiders: Malayans in China – Gu Hongming and Lim Boon Keng). 31 (June 2007) ; 116-131.

叶钟玲 (Yeap Chong Leng)
林文庆是一位反基督教份子?— 1896年英华学校传教事件的探讨 (Was Lim Boon Keng an Anti-Christian? A Study of the Proselytising of Singapore Anglo-Chinese School in 1896). 31 (June 2007) : 132-143.

吴庆辉 (Ng Ching Huei)
论秘密会党在十九世纪新加坡华人社会中的作用和角色的演变 (Secret Societies: Changing Roles and Functions in Chinese Community in 19th Century Singapore). 31 (June 2007) : 144-160

Wu Youxiong (吴幼雄)
The Islamic Sectarian War in Quanzhou during the end of Yuan Dynasty: A Revisit (元末泉州伊斯兰教派战乱辨析). 32 (June 2008) : 63-79.

Kwa Chong Guan (柯宗元)
Singapore in 1819: The Beginning of the New Kerajaan(新加坡1819:新王朝的开始). 27 (June 2003) : 1-16.

Chung Chee Kit (曾炽杰)
Longyamen is Singapore – The Final Proof? (龙牙门就是新加坡:最后的证据?). 27 (June 2003) : 17-32.

Yen Ching-hwang (颜清煌)
Dr. Sun Yat-sen and 21st Century China (孙中山与廿一世纪中国). 27 (June 2003) : 33-45.

陈达生(Tan Ta Sen)
郑和、东南亚的回教与《三宝垄编年史》(Zhenghe, Southeast Asian Islam and “Sambaolong biannianshi”). 27 (June 2003) : 86-104.

叶钟铃 (Yeap Chong Leng)
林文庆、邱菽园与华人好学会(1896-1905)(Lim Boon Keng, Khoo Seok Wan and the Chinese Philomathic Society). 27 (June 2003) : 121-145.

吾喜杂志 - 新加坡亚洲研究会学者来访

由顾问林子勤、会长陈田启率领的新加坡亚洲研究学会一行五人于4月25日至5月4日到京访问。 中国华侨历史学会假北京华侨大厦举行学术演讲会,陈田启、柯木林、杨松年、林孝胜应邀在会上介绍了新马华人社会史、华文教育及华人文艺研完情况。中国华侨 历史学会等单位还先后与新加坡学者举行了笋次仁别偿尖什论会,并互赠了资杆。新加坡亚洲研究会学者来访@古今<正> 由顾问林子勤、会长陈田启率领的新加坡亚洲研究学会一行五人于4月25日至5月4日到京访问。中国华侨历史学会假北京华侨大厦举行学术演讲会,陈田启、柯 木林、杨松年、林孝胜应邀在会上介绍了新马华人社会史、华文教育及华人文艺研究情况。中国华侨历史 (本文共计1页)